What does this moment require of us?
I’m hearing from strong, brilliant leaders that they are at a loss.
We struggle under the weight of racism, police brutality, a global pandemic, and an economy that changed seemingly overnight.
We want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
We work with leaders who care deeply about the work that they’re doing. Leaders who need to respond to opportunities in this moment to help their associations thrive.
How do we best serve in this moment?
Every day, we have conversations at MHQ: How do we produce outstanding work while respecting the trauma that many of our team members and clients are experiencing?
The answers we’re uncovering are compelling us to learn new, compassionate ways to lead with justice and equity.
Alongside our clients, we are actively challenging industry standards and traditional practices. We continually ask: is this equitable?
The leaders I know wonder: how can we be part of the solution?
While our journey at MHQ is unique, it is also evolving. Here are some of our commitments:
We respond through one-on-one conversations and coaching when someone internally or among our clients says something racist, sexist, or simply unkind.
If we’re a white person, we listen to our BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) colleagues. We understand that we don’t experience life as BIPOC , and we seek to understand other folks’ experiences if they are willing to share them.
We invest in our education through respectfully listening reading and watching and listening to experiences different from our own.
We support our team members in their volunteer community service. [See “How MHQ’s Team Impacts Our Communities”.]
In this moment, I am committed to supporting the brilliant and visionary board members who are having such tremendous impact on our communities through your leadership and service.
We are a nation made strong by people like you.
-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to citizens at a naturalization ceremony