MHQ held its annual holiday celebration for our team members. The team came together for a virtual brunch to connect, reflect, laugh, and eat.
“We were so pleased to be able to appreciate our team members in this way,” said Dara Rudick, MHQ CEO. “Our team has done an absolutely unbelievable job of serving our clients, staying connected, and supporting each other this year. It was truly a gift to be able to share a virtual meal and camaraderie with these stellar individuals.”

Stephanie Gandy, MHQ’s Executive Assistant, and administrative team leader managed the event. She also created and mailed gorgeous, hand-written, and artistically addressed holiday cards to each team member. Team members were deeply touched by this extraordinary effort.
“There is something about community that really sings in times of trial and uncertainty. I love a good holiday party in a normal year, so trying to do something to bring the team together was a joy to plan,” said Stephanie. “Much of our work lives are conducted virtually, I wanted our brunch to go beyond a virtual meeting. Sending a personalized message through the mail made this event more special.”
The team was assigned a coworker to write a few lines of warm wishes and share in seasonal cheer. The messages were thoughtful and endearing recognizing the diligent support our team members have shared with one another in a trying year.
“We work hard for our clients and for each other. I’m glad brunch was a way to share in that joy of team camaraderie and celebrating our amazing leadership,” said Stephanie.