In the first of a two-part event planning series, guest writer and event pro, Kalsey Beach, brings MHQ readers some insight on how to plan association events for success!
Set Goals
The most important step in planning an event is often missed – setting goals. Before you sign contracts, select decor and invite guests, make sure all the key players agree on what will make the event successful. Here’s how:
- Write an event objective. This is a brief summary of what the event will accomplish. For example: raise awareness, cultivate community, honor a person or group, show appreciation, etc.
- Set measurable goals. Make sure your goal can be measured and it is clear whether or not it was reached. For example: Dollars raised, new contacts in database, tickets sold, new Facebook followers, etc.
- Recap. As soon as you begin planning your event, schedule a debrief. It is important to validate the success of the goals and places to improve at future events. This step is often forgotten if not planned for.
Determine Big Picture Logistics
Before the details can fall into place, consider the “big picture” logistics and ensure these aspects are accounted for:
- Define the event budget. Consider the event from a total cost and per person perspective. Will the event generate any income? What expenses will you have? Frequently people forget about printing, parking, or gratuity. Make a detailed line item budget and don’t forget the “Miscellaneous” category. Be realistic with your numbers.
- Select a venue. With the budget solidified you can select your venue. Some questions to consider: Where are my guests geographically? What time of day will they be driving to the location? What activities will occur, such as speeches, sit-down dinner, dancing, etc.?
- Select a date. Be certain to confirm with key hosts and attendees that the date will work for them. Double check association and industry calendars to ensure your date does not conflict with another large event in your city or industry.
Another key component to a successful event is an effective promotion strategy. Follow these steps to ensure your desired attendance:
- Give guests enough notice. Guests should first learn about the event at least six weeks before it occurs via a paper or virtual invite. Reminders can be sent once a week until the day of the event.
- Use a variety of promotion avenues. In addition to your invite, promote the event on social media, post to local calendars, hang flyers, submit a press release and encourage attendees to bring guests.
- Engage ambassadors. Consider the key hosts of the events and equip them with tools to promote. Encourage hosts to
schedule time to call important guests and provide them with materials to post on their social media channels.
Kalsey Beach is president of Do Good Events (, a Twin Cities boutique event planning company specializing in event planning for businesses and non-profits.