Remember in your back-to-school days, when teachers asked you to share your summer experiences with the class? In that spirit, here’s what was cool about my summer.
Always, Sam |
Management HQ connected with our next generation workforce |
A group of 5 high schoolers, including my son, teamed up to create a powerful documentary film |
An amazing mentorship opportunity was delivered directly to the MHQ team headquarters |
All great happenings, right? Here is what ties them all together – they’re all part of the great work that is being facilitated by AchieveMpls, a nonprofit partner of the Minneapolis Public Schools, whose shared goal is that every student is career and college ready. What you see above includes:
- The film, “Always, Sam,” that was the result of the work done by the STEP-UP Achieve interns at Intermedia Arts‘ (spoiler alert: my son, Zach, pictured above, stars in this semi-autobiographical film)
We applaud the important work that AchieveMpls does in supporting our students, and supporting our communities. Enjoy your back-to-school season!
All the best,
 Dara Rudick, CAE Management HQ CEO