July 2021

This month, I am called to consider Integrity, one of MHQ’s four core values. In business and in life it’s important, and it’s tough. Is there a shared meaning, even within our MHQ team? To find out, I asked. I was inspired by the generous wisdom they shared:
“Integrity is honesty and showing your values in constructive ways that don’t harm others. Really it all boils down to “actions speak louder than words” and, whenever possible, be true to yourself, speak truth to power, and also treat others with kindness and respect.” –Rebecca Merrill, MA
“Integrity is a partnership of context, honesty, and action based on a foundation of values for the strength and betterment of a group, practice, or people. In practice, it is doing what is consistent and beneficial to fulfill the purpose or mission of a culture or organization without the betrayal of values held by an individual and/or a group.” –Stephanie Gandy, MA
“Integrity is embodying your values, even when it costs you something.” –Isaiah Allen, MDiv
“When I think of what integrity means to me, I immediately think of a quote by MLK: “The time is always right to do what is right.” Too often people use honesty and integrity interchangeably which they are very distinct in meaning. Integrity is more than truth telling, it is a deep and active practice of values and principles. It demands of us to act consistently on those values, to engage in thought and reflection, and to stay steadfast to our commitments even if they are unpopular or evoke an unfavorable reaction.”
“Integrity to me is the inner strength and moral character to stand up for the truth, and what is right regardless of the situation or circumstances. Acting with integrity requires doing what is right and conducting yourself in a way that supports and defends what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular.” –Jim Murphy
“For me, integrity means being steadfast and standing your ground on what you believe and know is right, without shifting or compromising who you are regardless of the outcome.” –Annie Britt
May we all have the strength to live our lives with integrity as we move together into our next chapter.
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About Management HQ
Management HQ (MHQ) is an accredited, full-service association management company. The company’s diverse team does works through a lens of equity. Supporting boards of directors so they can focus on their association’s mission, MHQ manages the full business of client membership-based organizations, including providing each client an executive director and a full management and operations team. MHQ serves associations and their members in these sectors: Government, Information Sciences / Education, Human Services, and Identity-based Associations. For more about MHQ, visit https://www.management-hq.com/.