May is National Pet Month, and we’re not about to miss the chance to talk about the furry members of our families. Read on for photos and stories of some of our honorary MHQ’s team members!
Dara Rudick, MHQ CEO

“Jo is a Staffordshire Terrier mix, we adopted her at 10 months. She’s super active and loves tearing through the wilderness (we keep her on leash).
Panther is an approximately 5-year old cat, full of personality and energy. We adopted him when he was about 2, he has FIV and was very sick at the time. We didn’t expect him to live for long, but 3 years later, he’s a 16-pounder, king of the house, tearing around teasing the dog and playing the piano.”
Aida Martinez-Freeman, MHQ Managing Director

“We adopted Coco Olaf Martinez-Freeman from a local pound and has been a part of our lives for 9 years. He is a Maine Coon Tabby who enjoys cuddles, food, and his toy banana. As a co-worker, he is respectful of my desk but demands that I take my lunch daily fully expecting a nice pet pet. I have decided that if I am reincarnated, I would like to return as Coco is our Martinez-Freeman household. That is some fine living right there.”

Jim Murphy, Executive Director
“Java (lab mix) and Butter (beagle) love to play and knock into everything around them, but love to snuggle, especially with the kids, as well. Both are turning 7 this year.”

Christine Strak, IT Manager
“These are our two current fur babies, Juneau (grey brindle) and Denali (tan). We have had eight over the years and just said goodbye to our last senior, Marley (beagle), in March.
‘The girls’ are 1 1/2 year old husky mix sisters that we adopted from the humane society in December of 2019. It has been quite the experience raising two at the same time, but they have so much fun together that we cannot imagine life with just one. This photo was taken last fall just after they had been caught pulling the rock from the house. They quickly sat and gave us the ‘we’re so innocent’ look.”
Leslie Johnson, Credentialing and Operations Manager

“We’ve had Mr. Bob Buttons Bing the Cat (we call him Bob or Bob-O) for a year and a half, another rescue from the Humane Society (adopt, don’t shop!). Bob is quite possibly the weirdest cat I’ve ever owned. He talks nonstop-in fact if he’s quiet, visitors will ask if he’s gone because its such a rarity. He ADORES belly rubs and armpit scratches. He can jump higher than any other domestic cat I’ve ever seen, he loves to sneak outside and cries like he was thrown in a vat of acid if you put him in the car. Bob likes to rock a necktie on occasion, and he loves to lay at my feet while I work. He’s annoying, but we love him to bits.
I rescued Mulaney from a breeder this past August. Before me she had never set foot in a house, been on a leash, wasn’t house trained, or even been on grass and was so timid, even at 5 years old. Her personality has totally blossomed in the past 9 months. She is now 6 and loves going to “Grandma’s” farm to play and performs tricks for treats. She loves to wear outfits and bows in her hair like the true diva she is. We love her so much!”
Bekka Merrill, Events and Outreach Coordinator

“I adopted my Catticus Finch 3 years ago and quickly discovered that she has two moods – she’s either a totally cuddle bug or she’s a naughty toddler getting into everything and knocking things over. Finchy has loved having me at home this past year and enjoys ‘helping’ me work. She particularly enjoys all the webinars and, as the team can confirm, frequently pops in during meetings.”

Stephanie Gandy, Executive Administrative Assistant
“From day one, Tuxedo stole my heart and quickly stole the rest from our family. His spunky and happy personality is the joy we look forward to every day. He’s a wonderful part of our lives through snuggles, zoomies, and a bit of tenacity that shines light where needed. We love him.”
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