Connections to Independence Supports Youth in Leadership

On Saturday, May 2, MHQ CEO Dara Rudick attended Connections to Independence’s annual fundrasier: A Kentucky Derby Celebration. The mission of Connections to Independence is to provide unique programming and advocacy for foster care youth, ages 15 – 21, to promote a successful and healthy transition to living independently as they reach adulthood. Connections to Independence (C2i) is a…

MHQ Lunch with Leadership: Connecting with the Future Workforce

On May 6th and 8th, 2015, MHQ hosted 2 lunches with graduate students and recent graduates. MHQ’s CEO Dara Rudick and Business Manager Kevin Ward connected with this next generation of the workforce to gain insight into their hopes and challenges. In return, Kevin and Dara shared information about association management, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Contact us for more information at or…