Management HQ In the News

Management HQ CEO Dara Rudick joins Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton as speaker at STEP-UP Achieve Partners Breakfast Management HQ CEO, Dara Rudick, spoke as both an employer and the parent of a STEP-UP summer jobs intern at The annual STEP-UP Achieve Partners Breakfast.  The breakfast honors companies who participate in…

MHQ Client Association Recognized for Diversity and Advocacy Initiatives

Association Recognition: Minnesota Library Association Members Recognized for Excellence in Diversity Initiatives and GLBT Advocacy   Congratulations to two members of MHQ client Minnesota Library Association (MLA): DeWitt Wallace Library of Macalester College and the Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection! DeWitt Wallace Library of Macalester College was recognized with the 2016 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award…

Association Leadership

The Association Leadership Ladder: Step by Step Reprinted with permission. Copyright, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership, January/February 2016, Washington, DC.   When it comes to climbing the leadership ladder, successful volunteers keep an eye on the next rung, while helping those behind them. Addy M. Kujawa, CAE, executive director of the American Association of…

The Essential Association New Year Checklist

Happy Holidays!  As 2016 approaches, many association boards of directors are refocusing on the mission and future of the associations they serve. Budgeting is just one piece of the puzzle for positioning your association to thrive in the new year. Here, we offer the essential Association New Year Operations and Compliance Checklist! Past Year Review, Reporting and…

People Incorporated and Washburn Center for Children Recognized for Excellence

Congratulations to two members of MHQ client Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs (MACMHP):  People Incorporated and Washburn Center for Children have been recognized with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits 2015 Minnesota Nonprofit Award for Mission and Excellence.  This award recognizes excellence in the areas of innovation, anti-racism initiative, advocacy, responsive philanthropy, and excellence.…

Young Men of Color: Promise. Potential. Power.

AchieveMpls Annual Education Partners Luncheon with Dr. Robert W. Simmons III WHAT:  Presented by Best Buy with Platinum Sponsors Target and U.S. Bank, this annual event brings together over 600 Twin Cities business, education and civic leaders to celebrate and renew our community’s strong commitment to public education and success for all Minneapolis students. DETAILS:…

Welcome Nick Bock to MHQ Team

September 28, 2015 – This month, we are pleased to welcome Nick Bock as MHQ’s new administrative coordinator.  Nick brings to the MHQ team five years’ administrative, legislative and policy support experience.  He was a case manager for a senator and member of congress, responsible for resolving cases involving immigration, housing / foreclosure, and IRS…