Case Study: Illinois Association of Housing Authorities

  Introduction This association of housing authorities transitioned from a “captive staff” association coordinator, to recognizing efficiencies of scale and size by outsourcing their staff leadership, management, and logistics to Management HQ. The results: within one year, IAHA enjoyed an effective new online presence and re-brand; 100% membership retention in the first year of the…

Management HQ Celebrates 2nd Year Anniversary

Last month, Dara Rudick announced MHQ’s 2nd Year Anniversary. The MHQ team celebrated MHQ’s success and growth by spending the weekend attending a live show, enjoying a family-style dinner and spending the weekend strategically planning for the 2015 year. The MHQ team is excited to kick off their 3rd year in operation as we continue…

MHQ Success Story: Association Conference Management

For many associations, events are primary sources of income and member value. The MHQ team recently support a new client – a major trade association in the information sciences field – in supporting their associations’ growth through strategic event planning and execution. “I saw the conference as a huge opportunity to drive member loyalty and…

Right-Size Your Association’s Board

As we enter the fall season, many association boards of directors are preparing for elections and incoming leadership. Some are even considering restructuring. One recent trend that we’ve seen is a decrease in the size of boards of directors. A smaller board can offer a number of benefits: Increased efficiencies in performing board duties, including…

From Our CEO: What I Loved About My Summer

  Remember in your back-to-school days, when teachers asked you to share your summer experiences with the class? In that spirit, here’s what was cool about my summer. Always, Sam Management HQ connected with our next generation workforce A group of 5 high schoolers, including my son, teamed up to create a powerful documentary film…

Selecting Association Leadership: Managing Change When Changing Management

Professional membership associations, like all organizations, encounter times of transition. We have created this 3-part series to help association boards navigate smoothly through these challenges. First, we provided 3 Steps to Starting the Search.  Next, we worked to Define Your Search Criteria. Finally, we focus on successfully transitioning to new association management. A number of causes…