Association Diversity and Inclusion: Financial Impact

Racially Diverse Companies: Higher Financial Returns More Likely The research is clear, companies with racially diverse workforces tend to financially outperform their industry peers. For every 10 percent increase in racial and ethnic diversity on the senior executive team, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) rise 0.8 percent according to McKinsey & Company’s Diversity Matters…

3 Keys to Engaging Association Volunteers

3 Keys to Engaging Association Volunteers A challenge unique to associations is the need to recruit, retain and ENGAGE volunteers.  Once an association can do this, many other challenges seem to disappear.  The question is: “How?” Kate Cole, Certified Association Executive (CAE), leads two client associations for Management HQ, an association management company based in…

Kevin Ward, Management HQ President, Recognized

Kevin Ward, Management HQ President, Recognized at Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Reception The evening of Thursday, May 5, Management HQ’s Kevin Ward was recognized amongst a group of new leaders in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. The Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce held their 2016 Executive Reception to…

Management HQ News Notes

In the News: Gallup ranks Minnesota first in the nation in Job Creation Index Minnesota ranks first in the nation in job creation, according to the 2015 Job Creation Index report just released by the Gallup Inc. polling company. Minnesota received a score of 38 in the index, based on worker reports of hiring activity…

Management HQ In the News

Management HQ CEO Dara Rudick joins Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges and Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton as speaker at STEP-UP Achieve Partners Breakfast Management HQ CEO, Dara Rudick, spoke as both an employer and the parent of a STEP-UP summer jobs intern at The annual STEP-UP Achieve Partners Breakfast.  The breakfast honors companies who participate in…

Association Leadership

The Association Leadership Ladder: Step by Step Reprinted with permission. Copyright, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership, January/February 2016, Washington, DC.   When it comes to climbing the leadership ladder, successful volunteers keep an eye on the next rung, while helping those behind them. Addy M. Kujawa, CAE, executive director of the American Association of…

The Essential Association New Year Checklist

Happy Holidays!  As 2016 approaches, many association boards of directors are refocusing on the mission and future of the associations they serve. Budgeting is just one piece of the puzzle for positioning your association to thrive in the new year. Here, we offer the essential Association New Year Operations and Compliance Checklist! Past Year Review, Reporting and…

Mental Health Advocates Gather with MN Governor for Ceremonial Signing of 2015 Legislation

  Sept. 29, 2015 – Mental health advocates, providers and key stakeholders gathered with Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and other lawmakers on the ceremonial signing of 2015 legislation. The legislation authorized the largest investment in mental health services and treatment in the state’s history. Management HQ client, the Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs…

People Incorporated and Washburn Center for Children Recognized for Excellence

Congratulations to two members of MHQ client Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs (MACMHP):  People Incorporated and Washburn Center for Children have been recognized with the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits 2015 Minnesota Nonprofit Award for Mission and Excellence.  This award recognizes excellence in the areas of innovation, anti-racism initiative, advocacy, responsive philanthropy, and excellence.…