Welcome Nick Bock to MHQ Team

September 28, 2015 – This month, we are pleased to welcome Nick Bock as MHQ’s new administrative coordinator.  Nick brings to the MHQ team five years’ administrative, legislative and policy support experience.  He was a case manager for a senator and member of congress, responsible for resolving cases involving immigration, housing / foreclosure, and IRS…

AMCs Impact on Association Financial Performance

Association Management Models and Their Impact on Financial Performance Prepared by James Gaskin, Ph.D. Brigham Young University Commissioned by AMC Institute (AMCI) Final Report: July 2015 Executive Summary The table below summarizes the relative financial performance of associations managed by an association management company (AMC) vs those independently managed. Green reflects a higher value for associations managed…

Diversity and Inclusion Statement of Purpose

Here is a sample Diversity and Inclusion committee / work group “Statement of Purpose,” for associations:   In principle and in practice, we value and seek diversity and inclusiveness within the association management industry.​ We advocate for and promotes involvement, innovation, and expanded access to leadership opportunities that maximize engagement across underrepresented groups in association membership.​ We will provide…

A Look into the Future: MSAE Gets Intentional about Diversity and Inclusion

By Melvin Tennant, CAE, CEO of Meet Minneapolis and Dara Rudick, CAE, CEO of Management HQ [This article was originally published in  Midwest Society of Association Executives August 2015 Newsletter.] When the Midwest Society of Association Executives (MSAE) began to consider a diversity and inclusion initiative, there was conversation and questions.  Some wondered if it…

Energy Foundation Selects MHQ to Manage National Convening

The Energy Foundation, whose mission is to promote the transition to a sustainable energy future by advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy, expanded its existing work with Management HQ (MHQ).  MHQ, in partnership with Flisrand Consulting, will manage a national convening of stakeholders, providing full-service event management including strategic planning, venue selection and negotiation, budget…